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Welcome to Rods-n-Relics website. Rods-n-Relics Car Club was formed by 4 Cedarburg friends in 1990 with a mission statement of "Fun with Cars".  Our club is open to anyone who owns a rod or a relic, wants to own a rod or relic, or just plain enjoys socializing with those who own a rod or a relic! For you lawyers out there, yes, we suppose this also means membership is open to those who enjoy socializing with those who enjoy hanging out with those who own a rod or a relic, but we absolutely will not accept for membership anyone who wants to socialize, with those who hang out with, the people known to visit with those who own rods or relics. In describing such cars, truck or motorcycles, we believe a vehicle fits our description if it is old, modified, restored or if it is in need of being modified or restored.  

Our Mission statement is “Fun with Cars” is really more of a mandate.  Have fun or get out!  Ours is a slightly irreverent club and we ask you to indulge us if we tend to openly “jest” with one another. It’s all in fun and as you will eventually realize, we’re all really good friends.


Our members live mostly in Cedarburg, Mequon, Grafton, Port Washington and Saukville but we do have members from Sheboygan, Milwaukee and as far away as Mazomanie. Membership has varied from 45 to 65 members over the years with rides as old as those from the 20s and as new as the 80s.


If you would like to get more information please feel free to join us at one of our regular monthly meetings (see the News page) or call our Prez at his unlisted number (If you are desperate, you can visit our Membership page)



Club members under the hood of a 1957 Chevy.  While at first blush, it appears they are working on the car, it's far more likely someone lost a contact lens.


Seriously, with cars this old, they do eventually break down.  That's when you can count on your fellow club members to wave at you as they drive by and if they remember, someone will call for a tow truck when they arrive at their destination.


For those of you who have a philanthropical nature, you will be happy to learn that the club donates money to area schools and other important programs from the proceeds of our car shows.  You can read more about our community support efforts here.

© 2015 by Rods-N-Relics Car Club, Ltd.  All rights reserved 

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