A picture worth a thousand words
We wanted to create a special page for our Corvette driving members. Not those with really cool Corvettes from the 1960 and 1970 era, but for those with newer models. You know... Barbie cars. Still it seems unfair not to have a page dedicated to those who are attracted to those cars and post some vignettes and a few photos to make them feel welcome. Yeah.. that's what this is... a page to say you are welcome and normal no matter what anyone says. Russ provided us with the following quote to kick off this page "When steel cars have seen their day, they are melted down into new steel rides. When vettes have seen their day they are melted down and we drink from them. They will stretch around the world."... That's quite prodfound Russ. Thank you from almost all of us.
It's no surprise to many of you that Russ is back. We all received word in Email or by phone almost immediately when his plane touched down at Mitchell. Some of us knew he was on his way before the Club Welcome Wagon got their tongues to waggin. I for one possess some serious mystical crap in my blood line. Word has it, some of my relatives were psychic hog thieves. They knew just when and where to go to steal a prize hog without getting caught. What I'm trying to say is, I wasn't surprised that Russ was back. For days I'd seen the signs. My dog started to whine and hide under the table days before Russ departed Florida. I saw four crows in my yard walking backward and the day before he boarded, I saw a sign that was beyone reputiation. My toast came out of the toaster with a figure in the center. It was of a hand giving me the middle finger. I thought to myself: "Self, something wicked this way comes".... Then I thought "Oh Wait, as I look closer, that seems destined for Witt, not me" "Russ is coming back!" Good times ahead.