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Rods-n-Relics works hard at scheduling activities all through the year.  Not everyone participates in every event. Our members are free to pick and choose the events they enjoy.   We feel certain there’s something for everyone in our club.  Well, not everyone, but most people.  Okay probably not most people, there are billions of people... Heck, just show up when you can.


The first event of Spring is to put the snowblower away, charge up the battery, cross your fingers and hit the starter on whatever car you use for club happenings.  Once that's done a real event will be dreamed up by a creative soul who provides us with lots of laughs.

In recent years past, this has been a road rally, a cruise, scavenger hunt, or a bus trip to an automotive museum.


Once Summer is here, we enjoy cruising on weekday evenings to nearby taverns, fast food or custard stands.  We are proud to say we've never been asked to leave any pub or restaurant.  We may not be asked to return, but never asked to leave.


On Sunday of the last weekend in June, Rods-n-Relics hosts a car, truck & Motorcycle show at Lime Kiln Park in Grafton Wisconsin.  Unlike other clubs where they use event profits to buy shiny chrome jewelry for their cars, we donate a percentage of the net proceeds to area High School Mechanical Arts Programs.


During July we have a standing invitation to participate in the Cedarburg Parade (Car can be running or polished up nicely on a flatbed) and the Grafton 4th of July celebration.  Occasionally we have displayed our cars at Mequon’s “Gathering on the Green”.


Throughout the Summer, we often get together for perhaps breakfast and along the way we try to get in a couple of Friday Fish Fry Cruises.  We do more than eat though and occasionally will cruise to a car show or two. Sometimes we stay and “enter” the show and at sometimes we visit and move along. 


Then in September, we rally at “Saukville in September” car show, in Grady Park at Saukville. We like to set up our club tent and a TV to watch the Packer Game while we’re there, and then hold our elections for officers and the “Boring”.


In October, someone always steps forward to arrange and schedule a Fall Color Cruise. This includes a ride through colorful wooded areas, a visit somewhere of interest, and a meal on the road. We also attend the Cedarburg Octoberfest celebration to heckle one of our members that plays drums in a German Band, drink BEER and just because it’s fun!


In December we party again. This is our holiday party where year end awards, trophies and abuse is dished out. This is a great opportunity for those of you who want to get all your yearly socializing done in one fell swoop.  

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